Hi all,
There are three other parts to this series. It’s hard to fit all the context and nuance in posts so I’ve decided to write some of this into a book. I feel with books we can be freer too.
It’s not a book about last year, or success, it’s a book about what happened to make me want to do this work in the world - (I think). Probably a journal, definitely not with this headline. Although if you’re looking to grow your Substack I would recommend the headline! Ask me more about that in the comments.
It will be written as part of my free community programme 12 Chapters Club - come join us if you like? Let’s write books!
Pieces of the $100k pie
Today’s post is on passive income. I think passive income is an interesting term. I’ve heard lots of business owners teach that there’s actually no such thing as 100% passive income. I know what they mean but they perhaps haven’t worked freelance because in freelance work you mostly work over and above and often times start to resent how the system is built. Just me?
Anyway, suffice to say, I’m a huge fan of passive income and it’s one of the reasons I made $100k in business last year.
It’s the opposite of charging for your time…