A few years back, I worked writing blogs for a productivity website.
They found me via my website, liked my blogs and asked me to write for them.
I had to clock in and clock out using a tool and try to weave in an SEO checklist. I was paid in dollars into my paypal and the European team used to chat to me on skype chat.
All of this way of working was quite alien to me but I said yes to the gig because it was a little bit of extra income and I was being paid to write which felt so nice!
The job lasted a few months and then the investors of the website pulled out. I think they were aiming to be a bit like buzz feed but struggling to get the quantity of content out they needed to grow.
In the second month, I realised I really struggled to write on topics they asked of me. I used to sit a stare at the screen, the little count down timer willing the words to come…
I have a lot to say about productivity in a balanced way (hello pomodoro technique) but that thread runs out after a while…
One of the tasks I had for them was to find office enhancing products that were available on amazon UK and USA and review them. I had to find 10 for the article. This was a lot harder than it sounds and I think this was the article that had me realising the job wasn’t really aligned with my values.
We came to an agreement that I would write from my heart space, expertise and knowledge base and they would edit it for SEO. It all worked much better for me that way.
As I pivoted into writing those articles the website folded. I got paid and that was the end of my ‘writing’ career. *jokes*
In my instagram bio, it says I’m a writer.
I’m not as sophisticated in my thinking or writing as some, I’m not a published author, I’m not a journalist or content creator.
But, I do feel I am a writer.
I write here, I’ve written two creativity and wellbeing journals.
I write (successful) funding applications. I can write and I’m honing my craft with it.
I don’t agonise over my sentences or worry too much about spelling or grammar but by practising the art of writing every day it becomes a stronger tool.
When I taught my substack masterclass - Get Creative with Substack last week (replay available) - it was part focussed on everyone’s questions about substack as a tool and part focussed on throwing out the rule book. Because that book is damn heavy if we choose to carry it around with us.
Interviewing a ‘real’ writer
I interviewed the wonderful Caro Giles author of Twelve Moons as part of Alnwick Story Fest last weekend. In the lead up to the planning of the joint event I recognised the push / pull of crushing curiosity in sharing space with a published writer.
Caro pushed for me to chase the local book shop about my journals being on the shelf along with the writers with agents and publishing deals featuring in the festival. I’d dropped them off the week before and followed up with a phone call and then left it.
After Caro’s nudge, the book shop owner, the lovely Helen said yes and there again was the nod from the universe that I am indeed ‘a writer’. It wasn’t that she thought the journals were crap, it was that she was busy!
It was also on my vision board! But you never know how long these things are going to take to pan out.
A reminder - we all have imposter syndrome from time to time but your space here is as valid as mine.
Will we be for everyone? No! Does it matter? No!
Where does inspiration come from?
Everywhere! Am I right?
We watched the Disney Pixar movie Ratatouille in the school holidays - the premise (if you’ve not seen it) is a tiny Rat teaches/ leads a chef to cook in secret by hiding under his chef’s hat. He has a spirit friend in the form of a famous chef with the motto
‘everyone can cook!’
I love this because not only is he right but it’s a great message to us all.
What I’ve come to learn through my own experiences and through mentoring folk is that…
everyone can create but not everyone can take up space…
So here’s my invitation if you’re reading this and curious about starting your journey or picking up a thread of interest in writing.
Take up space, write, read, put it down, write some more.
Take up space some more.
Claire x
PS - my one to one mentoring is called Inspiration Island - you can check it out here. I’d love to support you in your creative dream and quiet ambitions.
Love that you’re owning you’re a writer. There isn’t a panel of experts somewhere ruling on who gets to call themselves a writer or an artist or a maker or a creative... if you do these things claim that title!
Claire, what a wonderful post! Really interesting to learn about your writing background - and I love that you're very much a writer.
I'm going to have to pop back and read more comments on this post as they come in, because I am absolutely certain, having read Janelle's comment, that this post is going to be providing Substack's very own 'I am Spartacus' moment.
Because guess what?
I AM a writer..... 🙌