SPECIAL guest post - On stars, magic and sacred work.
An 'old fashioned blog hop' here at Creatively Conscious with Substack friend and space holder Silvia Põldaru
Silvia and I got chatting in the comments of one of our Substack posts - about creativity, about human design, about life and we said let’s email!
We wanted to share an ‘old fashioned’ blog hop just for fun as a little creative exchange between the two of us and for you.
If you pop over to her Substack
you’ll find the post I wrote in answer to her questions for me…Last night (04/07/23) as I hit 1000 subscribers here on
(this post is scheduled for the future) I dreamt of a private jet I didn’t want to travel on with a grumpy orchestra that wasn’t quite ready to play.A private ‘shop’ was open for folks to buy drinks, snacks and earplugs and I was travelling with an ex boyfriends family. They were kind and nice but I missed my family - I wondered where they were… it was like I knew them and I didn’t.
The door was open to another world that wasn’t mine - maybe these are my fears, imposter syndrome, maybe hailing from a working class background without a Dad to call my own catapulted me into a place of less, a lack of worth to share my words because there are worlds I don’t yet understand… maybe the quest for self development led me here, to
, to you, to Substack to words… maybe having some words is already enough…Over to Silvia,
Claire x
What would you say your top three values are that you live by and have you always had these same values?
Ooh, that’s a great question, and honestly, one I don’t often think about consciously.
Honesty, intention and openness come to me in this moment. I’m not sure whether they’ve changed but I think I’ve definitely refined the values I live by and become more conscious of when I’m not living from that space. And also being honest about it and putting my hands up and inviting myself to realign. And as I look back over the three words I’ve chosen I’d add that it all starts from within: being honest, intentional and open with myself and through that work being able to show up in the world in alignment with the same values. But as with anything, I find it’s a practice.
What does a day in the life look like for you?
I don’t really have a typical day. I have a day job that I tend three times a week so those days are very different to the other four days when I’m not there. Luckily I am able to separate the two and when I’m not at my day job I get to focus on my vision of living a slow creative life and work towards what I want my days to eventually look like.
For now, if it’s a workday, I get up fairly early and tend to my breathwork practice, do some journaling, pull some cards, read or research. Then, depending on what time my shift starts, I can also sneak in a quick workout at times. Then the majority of the day would be spent at work, however I’ve started to add in lunchtime walks with a good podcast to embrace the vision that I hold. And evenings will mostly be about unwinding with my partner, Nick, and watching an episode or two of our latest TV series or me reading a book out loud for our bedtime.
If it’s my non-workday, I still get up pretty early. I love early mornings. I tend to my self-care practice of breathwork and journaling. Then it really depends what my Sacral responds to. It can be as varied as writing, researching, going out for walks, tending to the practical needs of living, or just offering myself spaciousness to create, to read, to be, to breathe.
I’ve found I do well in giving myself a lot of spaciousness during a day. But that has also been a journey of letting go of the productivity trap that we often get sucked into. Learning to let go of this idea that we have to be constantly doing something, anything to make us feel productive and useful. That’s been some really deep Root centre and chakra work I’ve been tending to in the last 6 months or so, and even longer, unconsciously.
My Thursday mornings are currently spent in my breathwork facilitator training. At times, I have a reading to attend to or I do a catch-up video call with some online friends. So it really varies from week to week. But ultimately what guides my days off from my day job is my vision of a slow creative life with lots of pondering and meandering.
What brings you joy?
Oh boy, just being alive! Experiencing this world, this universe, this human body, as difficult it can be, it is also so wondrous.
Coffee. Stars. Books. Love. Slow travel. Deep conversations. Art. Creativity.
All the various self-awareness modalities that I practice and the beautiful synchronicities they bring. Chocolate. Food. Watching clouds pass overhead. Gazing at the house martins. Long walks. Picking sticks and stones and pebbles.
I could go on.
As much as being alive frustrates me, it is also just pure magic.
What frustrates you?
Ha, I guess I answered it above. Being alive can be frustrating. When things don’t go the way you want them to. Or things go a lot slower than you expected or wanted. Having expectations is frustrating because they rarely match. My own unskillfulness frustrates me at times but I’m learning to embrace the messiness and the confusion that being alive for me comes with.
Also, rude and inconsiderate people. When I’m not truly heard. When I’m not seen for who I am but rather get projected onto. When I’m not valued as an individual.
Small talk frustrates me but I’ve learned to meet myself with more patience and compassion in the situations that require it. And at times I’ve been surprised by the conversations I end up having.
So it all comes back to openness.
Various systems frustrate me. How we get boxed into them and then we spend the rest of our lives trying to find our way out of them. Having to commute to a job that is not soul-level fulfilling is frustrating. Which brings me back to when things go a lot slower than we expect them to or want them to. So it becomes a question of trust, trusting in one’s path and trusting that the pace we are going at is our sacred pace.
These words from Jennifer Raccioppi come to mind:
“You can’t miss your fate.”
What advice might you give your younger self?
Learn to love yourself. Learn to see the wonder it is to be alive. Learn to see your inherent worth. Your worthiness does not depend on your body, your appearance, or what you do in this life. Get curious about your inner life and embrace the inner explorations and discoveries and know that you matter, your words matter, your presence matters.
Then again, that version of me is what got me here today. So I would also say thank you!
Thank you for teaching me to love myself, to see the wonder in being alive, to feeling worthy within, to the insatiable curiosity.
About Silvia
Silvia is a creative wanderer exploring magical realms and modalities through her emerging framework for our Sacred Work. The framework is a tapestry of the various self-awareness modalities that have allowed Silvia to courageously step onto her untrodden path and to unapologetically follow what lights her up.
As an emerging intuitive space holder, she is now working towards holding up the lantern to light the way for fellow creative wanderers as they step into the darkness and onto their untrodden paths that they’re called to explore. She does so by walking alongside them as they navigate their uncharted terrain together.
You can find Silvia’s magical long-form offerings on her Substack and her ongoing daily meanderings on her newly re-opened Instagram account @silviapoldaru
You lovely Beauties, Claire and Silvia, thank you for this beautiful article. I loved it!