I was finally able to listen! I feel you about organizing LEGO during that early COVID times. When everything was so out of control that was one of the only regulating options. We've had a bit of a release as well. Particularly some clothing both Davy and I don't fit anymore.
Ahh yes the postpartum phase was directly after the covid/ in the covid lockdowns I hadn’t put those two things together really... I just look at the messy lego now and think wow that was a phase 🌈✨
Thank you- I love the idea of doing this over lent as I always get the urge to declutter this time of year.
I've been thinking about the parental declutter recently- and my folks are in the process of moving at the moment but struggling to form the words to have the conversation with them without sounding weird or a bit harsh as I'd love for them to consider this whole thing now.
I think Spring really invites us to Spring clean doesn’t it. Thanks for listening in Katie.
Ah that’s so hard.
I know some folks find it really tough and have so much identity wrapped in stuff/ think it could come in useful some day?
My mum has read Marie Kondo books and articles now so she is quite open to decluttering. I feel like for our kids I’d like to just have a huge box for them both and say this is your box and then anything else you want, the rest can be given away to people who need it. I’ve given this stuff some thought as you can tell. ✨🌀🙏
Thank you Claire - I’d be very interested in hearing more about a digital clearout. My laptop is so busy. I don’t really know how to make the most of it and to keep things tidy. I’m trying really hard to tidy up emails - unsubscribing and deleting but it’s relentless! Digital Photos is another level entirely! 😫
Ooo yes for sure I’ll plan a post. I unsubscribe to most all Black Friday emails when they come in and that keeps my inbox clear from shops! I use folders on my desktop for work docs and one called archive that everything than a year goes into. ✨digital photos are hard there are some good tips in the comments on my last post! ✨🤩
The clearing of the decks can be so cathartic can’t it. I had a smile at your comment regards emptying the laundry once a week because my husband thinks I gave an obsession with our washing machine. There are only 2 of us rattling around our home now & I wash clothes every day! 🙃.
I always get this virtuous domestic goddess feeling when I get washing done & hung out on the line. Madness really isn’t it.
We have stepped into autumn with much cooler days & lovely evenings. Daylights saving us about to end & I for one am glad. This last month the days have felt all wrong, too light at the wrong end of the day & too dark on my early morning treks with our pooches.
Ahh Hi Tiffany - yes totally cathartic - I organised all of my daughter's play doh bits and pieces yesterday after she'd thrown it all everywhere. It was a moment of calm in the chaos. Ah Autumn for you - that's a nice transition - I know when we transition here in the UK my instagram feed is full of love for the changing of colours. Here we are looking forward to line drying days and I'm always in awe of the people who know just when to hang laundry out instead of letting it dry inside. Cx
It is a beautiful day here! Finally some sunshine after a big storm. 💛
Ahh glad to hear it ✨✨🙏
I was finally able to listen! I feel you about organizing LEGO during that early COVID times. When everything was so out of control that was one of the only regulating options. We've had a bit of a release as well. Particularly some clothing both Davy and I don't fit anymore.
Ahh yes the postpartum phase was directly after the covid/ in the covid lockdowns I hadn’t put those two things together really... I just look at the messy lego now and think wow that was a phase 🌈✨
Thank you- I love the idea of doing this over lent as I always get the urge to declutter this time of year.
I've been thinking about the parental declutter recently- and my folks are in the process of moving at the moment but struggling to form the words to have the conversation with them without sounding weird or a bit harsh as I'd love for them to consider this whole thing now.
I think Spring really invites us to Spring clean doesn’t it. Thanks for listening in Katie.
Ah that’s so hard.
I know some folks find it really tough and have so much identity wrapped in stuff/ think it could come in useful some day?
My mum has read Marie Kondo books and articles now so she is quite open to decluttering. I feel like for our kids I’d like to just have a huge box for them both and say this is your box and then anything else you want, the rest can be given away to people who need it. I’ve given this stuff some thought as you can tell. ✨🌀🙏
Thank you Claire - I’d be very interested in hearing more about a digital clearout. My laptop is so busy. I don’t really know how to make the most of it and to keep things tidy. I’m trying really hard to tidy up emails - unsubscribing and deleting but it’s relentless! Digital Photos is another level entirely! 😫
Ooo yes for sure I’ll plan a post. I unsubscribe to most all Black Friday emails when they come in and that keeps my inbox clear from shops! I use folders on my desktop for work docs and one called archive that everything than a year goes into. ✨digital photos are hard there are some good tips in the comments on my last post! ✨🤩
The clearing of the decks can be so cathartic can’t it. I had a smile at your comment regards emptying the laundry once a week because my husband thinks I gave an obsession with our washing machine. There are only 2 of us rattling around our home now & I wash clothes every day! 🙃.
I always get this virtuous domestic goddess feeling when I get washing done & hung out on the line. Madness really isn’t it.
We have stepped into autumn with much cooler days & lovely evenings. Daylights saving us about to end & I for one am glad. This last month the days have felt all wrong, too light at the wrong end of the day & too dark on my early morning treks with our pooches.
Happy Happy Wednesday
Ahh Hi Tiffany - yes totally cathartic - I organised all of my daughter's play doh bits and pieces yesterday after she'd thrown it all everywhere. It was a moment of calm in the chaos. Ah Autumn for you - that's a nice transition - I know when we transition here in the UK my instagram feed is full of love for the changing of colours. Here we are looking forward to line drying days and I'm always in awe of the people who know just when to hang laundry out instead of letting it dry inside. Cx
I’ll give this a listen tomorrow I think 😍
Haha - why don't you. xx