Mar 9Liked by Claire Venus

Gorgeous idea. Rather than what story could I write, it is more “what of the many many stories should I write”. I’ll think on and save this post x

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Claire - Over the past ten years, I began a healing journey, which includes the unearthing of a love and passion for writing. After a series of painful events beginning around that period of time, I decided to go back and do some self-reflection (whew!!!!!!) on my childhood and the lifelong decisions I made stemming from my father leaving our family when I was very young and the fears of abandonment and rejection as a result. I would love to explore this here and share some insight on my healing experiences.

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What an idea, Claire 👏 I think you’re going to have SO many submissions, at 1000 words a piece the manuscript will be well over 100,000 words x

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This is such a lovely project. I’m only starting to accept rejection, because it has been a brain freeze throughout my life! I am dwelling on this this year, befriending it. It’s so important to not see rejection as negative, but I am not sure how to see it. How do you see it Claire? ✨

And one of the things I want to revisit is being fired due to a burnout in 2020 and how that was a deep rejection because I had given all of myself, and how in a way it was actually important. I have brushed it off as a ‘of this was the best for me’ and it was, I didn’t fit in anymore. Which then made me think, was I rejecting it first? Anyway, rant for another day I guess 😂

Really really great idea 🥰

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Ooh this is so exciting !!!! It’s so interesting you combine rejection with hope. Because for me it’s the same with chronic illness and it always comes back to belief for me. When I submitted my book proposal back in March, the preparation of it depleted on every level (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually). I sent it with as much celebratory energy as I could. I asked for support (in the form of card reading/guidance/coaching) and cheer leaders around the submission. All the time I was preparing the document I kept telling myself and believing that it was a winning book proposal - I named it this when I spoke of it to others. The year up to it I had been working on my self-belief around writing ALOT. So when it came to the day the winner was announced and I didn’t win, I felt relieved to at least find out and be informed. My belief that a book deal was coming was strong so I didn’t feel the sting of rejection because there wasn’t one. (The proposal I submitted, though to a winning standard in terms of content was unpolished. I knew this submitting it but I knew that I had done my very best so was in a place where I could be content with my best being good enough - probably for the first time in my life!). The next day I woke up and I felt a tiny bit disappointed momentarily but that was it.now I’m in for round 2 of a submission, hopefully I send it before 5 mins to the deadline of midnight this time😆

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Absolutely love this whole idea Claire. What a fantastic way to turn rejection into something so hopeful and helpful.. artistic alchemy at its finest! I would love to submit a piece on rejection being redirection, around trying to get a book deal?

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Instantly makes me think of rejection sensitivity, it's ties to shame and for me the current practice of building evidence and contrary proof to the fact it has, predominantly been self rejection rather than external or received rejection. It's a very interesting topic and emotion

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Love this project Claire! 💫

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Ohhh yes rejection... I definitely know her and would be delighted to join in if that feels good! I loved Sarah R's reflections on rejection too, there's definitely a whisper of realignment in the no's, whether that's friendships, life decisions or work projects... so much richness in this fab topic Claire! 🌟

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Jan 4Liked by Claire Venus

I’ve got questions!

I was going to be writing something that would fit. Does it qualify if it’s released on my Substack before submission?

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Ooooo fabulous idea, I love this!

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This sounds so exciting, Claire! LOVE the idea of an anthology. I have a few experiences I can write on, you'll have me!

I also wrote about my intentions for my 30 Days of Rejection challenge: https://brandseasons.substack.com/p/rising-above-rejection.

And shared some reflections: https://brandseasons.substack.com/p/reflecting-on-rejection

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Jan 4Liked by Claire Venus

Aah thank you so much for the mention - and very excitingly I have a gorgeous interview with Beth Kempton herself coming out in my 'The Book Deal Diaries' series in just a couple of weeks!! xx

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