I'm pretty new to Substack, both to avidly reading publications on here and to writing on here, and I have to agree. It's so much less stressful than social media, it's more personal, more fun...it's just better. I wish there were an easier or better search function to find new pubs, but I also feel like I'm growing my list of pubs slowly and surely.

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I love it, too. The app and the desktop version. I feel boosted after I've had a scroll through Substack. Whereas I feel the complete opposite from Insta or Facebook et al. It just feels like a lovely place for creators rather than the algo-driven, blink and it's gone feeling on social media platforms. I love that it's driven by recommendations. But I've also found that I end up following lots of people coming from similar perspectives and backgrounds. I'm hoping to diversify my subscriptions more as I explore further.

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I totally get what you mean. It’s like a little corner away from the world which I can come and sit in when I want some time to read and write.

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I read via the app and enjoy it, but find it a bit baffling that there isn’t a clear option for just reading in the app instead of also getting the emails. I’d also really love if they’d implement the writer dashboard in the app as then we’d be cooking on gas. I also 100% agree about the head boy/girl feel, which I think they need to make a conscious effort to nip in the bud. Something I’ve taken to doing is clicking through on my subscribers who have a Substack profile so I can try and find new reads. What’s rather fascinating, and it might be a product of the head boy/girl thing, is how the same stacks come up again and again. But I have found new ones.

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I feel you so on not reading my emails as much, but I use it more as a to read list atm 🥰

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I love Substack!

At first I was dubious. It was so different to my once beloved Instagram that I’d grown to dislike. It didn’t have a newsfeed which seemed alien, and once I’d read what was in my inbox, that was it, I was literally ‘finished’ on the app.

But, the fact it didn’t have a newsfeed, or stories, but most importantly an algorithm which demanded dancing reels, is the reason why I fell in love with Substack. Oh and the ads! Definitely not having ads is why I’m still here, for sure.

I like that there seems to be real people who listen and action suggestions. I use the app loads. I only write on my laptop and the rest of the time I use the app. I don’t think I use it fully though, and there’s certainly some features I haven’t used or discovered yet, but I’ll have a play around.

I deleted all social media apps from my phone a few weeks ago and I can honestly say I haven’t missed them at all. I didn’t want to spend my maternity leave just scrolling on my phone, and so reading others’ posts on the app during night feeds has been a wonderfully enjoyable experience for me. I purposely save posts to treat myself to read during the night.

Long live Substack!

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Thanks for mentioning the “big writer” thing. I’ve been feeling a bit that way too. But I guess it’s human nature to want to follow the popular kids 😊.

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Claire! I loved this! Yes, I did the same thing this week (deleted all socials on my phone except Pinterest and YT) and am in love with the Substack app. As an answer to an old thread, where you asked me how I found out about Substack in the first place. It was through a YouTube Vlogger, who had over 1 million subscribers, and was completely burned out and wanted to write instead and turned to Substack. So I subscribed to his newsletter and then totally fell in love with it all!

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At first, I thought the simplicity of Substack was a downside (coming from a web design background and building many of Wordpress sites), but now I see that it's such a gift to have a simpler design and really 'detox', as you say, from the overload of information always coming in. It's a welcome change, for sure! I've been reading from my computer, so I definitely need to start using the app more! Thanks for this post, Claire!

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"Calm and spacious" is what was missing when I decided to quit Instagram back in 2021. Finding Substack in 2022 was such a blessing and has brought so much joy, both through writing and reading others' words. I've been writing on here since June last year and not putting that pressure on myself has been great. I've literally just written about my current obsessions and through that finding my voice and, dare I say, niche, though boxing myself in has never worked. Whenever I do, I always seem to dare that box to shreds. In a way, it has been a very cathartic space, cultivating slowing down and consuming more mindfully. Thank you for sharing your passion for Substack.

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I love the app! I hadn't noticed what you say about Staff picks, but I suppose I must see those in my inbox and click through.

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Great advice - also finding the same with inactive people when trying to find stuff on particular subjects.

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I too found some Substack accounts to follow only to find they haven’t written in over two years 😕 I wish there was a way an account could be marked “inactive” or something if it has been 12 months and the author has not posted. It would be helpful when looking for new accounts 💁🏻‍♀️

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I also find the substack app a soothing place for my mind, and gleefully delete the emails when they appear in my inbox 😊

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Claire Venus

Ah recently on a podcast I said the exact same thing - that Substack is so healthy for me right now because of the concentration required rather than the fast hit of dopamine gained from scrolling!

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Claire Venus

Really helpful Claire. I wanted to ask what categories do you use? I found interiors wasn’t listed, neither was home or lifestyle... so I ended up choosing design and business or literature I can’t remember now. I agree re substack reviews/shares if would be nice if us smaller ones (although you are by no means new anymore) we’re featured more x

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