Isn’t it- there are so many shiny distractions in life. I noticed in the open office hours people are really shifting into this mindset of let’s make Substack work - it’s interesting isn’t it. I’ve held off on paying for any substacks yet (although I’m so tempted) to make sure I get my own plan running well first... I gave this post le…
Isn’t it- there are so many shiny distractions in life. I noticed in the open office hours people are really shifting into this mindset of let’s make Substack work - it’s interesting isn’t it. I’ve held off on paying for any substacks yet (although I’m so tempted) to make sure I get my own plan running well first... I gave this post less attention than my mid week one as an experiment in writing style - this one felt WAY more exposing to send out... think that might be perfectionism tripping me up there!
Isn’t it- there are so many shiny distractions in life. I noticed in the open office hours people are really shifting into this mindset of let’s make Substack work - it’s interesting isn’t it. I’ve held off on paying for any substacks yet (although I’m so tempted) to make sure I get my own plan running well first... I gave this post less attention than my mid week one as an experiment in writing style - this one felt WAY more exposing to send out... think that might be perfectionism tripping me up there!
Perfectionism is a tiresome master!