Thanks for sharing your considered thoughts here Claire, and I also appreciate the reminder to run my own race (and show up for my own soul whispers) ❤️

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This is lovely. I have noticed a drop in comments too and hadn't considered that might have been because of notes / people being subbed to more content. I was really disappointed I haven't had any comments on my podcast about sensory processing, but maybe folks just haven't had a chance to listen.

I'm not doing any design either mostly because I love the app and it doesn't show here! Maybe they want people to use Substack as a free homepage and that's great for someone starting out.

I also love what you are saying about choosing the energy and intensify to show up here. It feels a real antidote to something I read yesterday. Am in a lot of feelings today and this was just a really soothing listen. 💞

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Thanks for this lovely listen Claire 🌺 A couple of things stood out for me. One, when you talked about protecting your nervous system... I thought oh yes, I must be really careful to do that too. And then two, running your own race. Now that I'm on Substack and have written a couple of posts and have got some lovely subscribers already I'm feeling Oh no what I have I done? I'm not planning to have paid subcribers as yet because already I'm feeling the huge responsibility of writing something when I have even free subscribers ..... it feels like another thing I have committed to when I said I was going to slow down and keep things simple. I'm fully aware though that it's the usual expectations I load on myself.... 🌻

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May 5, 2023Liked by Claire Venus

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Substacle and beyond. I agree with your point about culture, I think the same way.

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Thanks for this post! Lots of good pointers for if and when I set up my own Substack and I love the reminder about “running your own race” xx

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While I am not an any leaderboards I understand your butterflies when considering growth. I recently had a flash of insight that was similar. It allowed me to question if I would be able to hold the light if I achieve the growth I desire? The answer is yes, but I recognize it will take effort.

A true desire (heart based, not ego driven) is presented to us from the Universe and is a continuation of that lovely energy. It is light filled. Then our ego & conditioning show up and it can get muddled, more often than we would like sometimes.

I believe heart centred leadership and entrepreneurship is the way forward for the world. To do that requires effort to hold steady in our centre, be clear on our values and grounded in our faith/good/love (whatever it is to you). This is why your work is being recognized Clare, this is how you show up.

And courage, feeling the butterflies and continuing to move forward! Yay!!

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So helpful to come back to our own goals and intentions in this beautiful, ever-evolving space. Thank you for the timely reminder.

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Love this Claire, enjoyed listening to you. Running our own race here on is perfect for me. So many things evolving on here it’s good remember our intentions.

Look forward to hearing about your new Substack.

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A juicy post filled with so many goodies! Thank you Clare. It’s my bedtime over here in 🇨🇦 so I look forward to a read and a listen tomorrow.

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deletedMay 5, 2023Liked by Claire Venus
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deletedMay 5, 2023Liked by Claire Venus
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