Claire, thank you for this inspiration. I've considered podcasting on here alongside my written words, and danced away from it so far... But you are making it feel more possible. It's lovely to put your voice to the written words you create! And I also love the name 'slow lived growth.' Breathing that in! What a way to live :)

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PS - WHAT a way to live!! Yes yes yes! 🏔️ 🏝️ 🌊✨🌾👩🏽‍💻

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✨✨✨🪄🙏 aw thanks Claire. Yes so I really embraced the imperfectly perfect creative practise woven through maternity leave and my daughters first two years and it gave me permission to create on my terms. One of those terms is - it’s ok not to set my mic up and the other is just to talk and share without structure or plans for a short amount of time. Those two things have just made the podcast button here “easy” to press. Sharing it felt more difficult but I’m working on that and understanding where all that comes from... I noticed the lovely Susannah Conway is doing “voice notes from a friend” and I just love that... I think they are just for her paid subs so not sure how long they are but as with everything Substack I’ve loved watching people throw away the heavy laden rule book and step into space for themselves it’s so lovely! ✨💜✨. Having been here a year I expected things to shift/ change/ alter and they have but only for the better - I think Substack really invests in it’s network, community and in creators and I’m so so here for it. ✨

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Thank you for sharing this Claire. The very practical (re your relationship with Mic!) and the mindset piece. The things that make it more easeful...And for the rec for Susannah's podcast...I'm noticing myself release certain shackles/beliefs about the what/how/why when it comes to my writing here each week, and can feel the affects in my wider life and creative projects. It's beautiful to be on this journey alongside other creators :)

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Isn’t it! Here’s to us! I read wider life as wilder life! That too! 📧🧚‍♀️✨

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Fun podcast to listen to! I agree! Substack is so lovely. I’m so glad I serendipitously found it. Thank you for creating here.

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Aw you’re so welcome Janelle! How did you find it? 📧✨

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I’m sooo enjoying beginning to explore substack with the help of your course claire. I’m excited to start building my own community here soon too

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Yay!! SO glad! I remember at first I was just tying key words into the search bar but nothing was really happening other than a HUGE list of things to read - but the network of community is here and waiting for everyone and Substack is actively encouraging people to come see us it’s so nice! ✨✍️

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I feel the same way as you do about Substack. It’s such a wonderful platform and everyone who I’ve connected with via comments has been just so wonderful and supportive.

I always look forward to your posts here, and I really love your reality podcast episodes. It’s inspired me to maybe do a few of my own podcast episodes too, but I’m not brave enough yet. Maybe I’ll just start with reading a post - a sort of voice over instead of committing to full podcast episodes for now.

But, thank you for being here and being such a support 🤍

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Ahh thanks so much Sophie. I’d love that! You can just press the little headphones button in your writer dashboard to record voice over. I don’t do it simply because I’m short on “work slots” with mum life but I’d like to offer that in the future. Thanks for being here. ✨✨🧚‍♀️

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I was just wondering when we started here. It looks like I started in June. I remember your Substack was what gave me the inspiration to jump in. Love the slow cozy growth and expansive feeling of it all. 🥰

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Yes I remember talking about it in content club because Dave was encouraging me to write here and I was like wow this platform is so beautiful and not showy or noisy at all... I also really detest mailchimp so I was so curious about it all - nearly jumped into flowdesk back then too! I love that it worked for you to move your patreon gang over too. ✨💜

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Oh, yes! I was using Flodesk at the time. I'd forgotten that. I didn't miss it at all. And it was such a nice switch from Patreon. Easier to use and to explain. Just love it here.

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Yes I was soo tempted and I think I would have done it if I didn’t take to Substack like a duck to water as they say 🦆✨✨✨

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Love love love this! 🙌🏻

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Aw thanks Sarah!! I recorded it last week and sat on it a bit because I wanted to write something too - then the words found me.

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Mar 28, 2023
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Oh what a milestone! 👏🏻 Brilliant news! I’m so curious about this too.

I FEEL like I have to have a presence on all the platforms but I wonder what that’s about?! ✨

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Mar 29, 2023
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Ah I hear you! Sometimes my husband pulls his Instagram posts through to Facebook and he gets way more comments - but are comments just noise and distraction or actual clients and connection - it’s just such a minefield! That’s super interesting re employed work too - there’s something about wrapping it up in a neat bow and leaving it AT your desk at the end of the work day isn’t there? I can’t tell you the amount of times I brought project work “home” with me where as it’s easier now... I think that’s the practise of self employment for me.

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Mar 27, 2023
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Aw hello Korynn. So lovely to hear from you and where in the world this story reached you! Off to google our time different now... 🇦🇺

I hear you about socials - I like to just pop in and out of Instagram now and I honestly think my wellbeing is better because of Substack existing! I was really looking for depth of connection after a difficult few years and I found it here! Look forward to hearing more about your practise and where it takes you. Thanks for your message. ✨✍️🌾

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