✨🏰✨ Paid Membership 🧚🏻‍♀️

Hi, I’m Claire. I run a company called Creatively Conscious which at it’s heart is a place to set up a new paradigm for work. I live on the Northumberland coast under dark skies with my husband, two children and five pet chickens. I have twenty years of experience of mentoring creatives and managing multi-partner arts development projects. My clients include BBC, Tate Britain, Tate Modern, Action for Children, National Trust and Andersen Press.

What’s life without a little fairytale?

Come Join Us to re-kindle your innate creativity and elevate the way you do business?

I built us a magical castle stone by stone…

Each room has something you didn’t know you need. One is filled with cosy oversized velvet sofas and a vast array of help yourself hot drinks and cakes, one with fancy art supplies to last a life time.

One is full of new friends who put their wellbeing front and centre (or want to) like you. There’s also a room of piles of your heart’s treasure; I can’t wait to show you that one…

As a cherished member, you'll gain access to:

  • Monthly 'Self Seed your Business' workshop sessions

  • Exclusive tools and resources to deepen your relationship with your creativity

  • In-depth guides and masterclasses to help you ‘Self seed your Business’ and re-kindle your creativity.

  • A harmonious, supportive, like-minded community

  • Personal insights from a slow-lived life on the Northumberland Coast

Let the magic of creativity transform your journey and awaken the courage you need to step into your BIG dream.


If you’re already in the membership, here are ALL your membership posts.

A sort of Fairytale Membership Overview

Here’s a quick over view archive of the membership workshops here at

✨ ☕️ ⚖️


Whole Hearted Living/ Creativity

Self Seed your Business

Other links to tutorials

“So this, I believe, is the central question upon which all creative living hinges: Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?”

― Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Life recently...